


Sadly Pentax discontinued this model in favour of their new flagship MZ-S. Let me tell you they're different cameras. While the MZ-S is a fully pro- oriented body, PZ-1p is an outstanding all-around gear. It has many features only found in great great Canon or Nikon models, obviously much higher priced. Examples of this is its 4 fps drive motor, 1/8000 top shutter speed, or 1/250 flash sync, and interchangeable focusing screens.
Another great feature is the so-called Hyper Program mode, that allows the user to switch from a full programmed mode to an aperture-priority (or shutter-priority) just by moving the aperture (or shutter-speed) knob. Or the Hyper Manual mode, when you have total exposure control, but can ask the camera to aid you setting the proper exposure with a touch of a button.
LCD display is large enough to be clearly seen from a meter away, and shows any information you need. It can be backlit at the touch of two simultaneous buttons. Almost every info in this display is available at the viewfinder right side also.
Build is good enough for an all-around body. It is not air tight and it has not 72 molybdene silicon-rubbered-thermo gaskets just because it is not intended for carrying it during an Everest climb. But any photographer can safely rely on it for almost every kind of work. Body is metal-carbonate compound, and unlike some mass-market models from a very renowned brand, it has a metal (not hard plastic) lens mount.
Add to this the fact that remarkably puts Pentax above any SLR manufacturer: lens compatibility. You can use PZ-1p -along as ANY modern Pentax body- with ANY K-mount lens you can get. Of course you'll not enjoy the autofocus feature with old lenses, but you can set the PZ-1p to aid your manual focus with a mark on the viewfinder and/or a beep sound. Try to find that feature in any other of the great SLR brands. Just forget about...
So, if you own an old faithful K-1000 with a couple of reliable and solid SMC lenses and want to enter a new photographic era, stop thinking about: this is the camera for you.


  1. 我看了好久才看明白原来前面的那块白色的是苹果,一开始觉得是一滩水,费解了半天。晕!不知道为什么变这么傻了。

  2. 我第一眼也看成了一滩水。。。晕倒。。。


  3. 相机我是放在苹果笔记本上,那汤水当然就是苹果的logo,我可舍不得把爱机放的离水这么近.


  4. show off贴。。鉴定完毕
